Suheil Laher — Fawakih

Discount Ends March 31st


academic dean
senior Quranic Arabic Instructor

Dr. Suheil Laher serves as Academic Dean at Fawakih. Dr. Laher has played an important role in developing Fawakih's unique 6-level Quranic Arabic curriculum since he joined full-time in 2014. Previously, he taught Quranic Arabic, Tafsir and Tajwid courses at Fawakih.

After studying Electrical Engineering at MIT, he earned an MA in Religious Studies from Boston University and recently completed his PhD in Islamic Studies at Harvard University. He has previously taught Arabic and Persian at Harvard, Brandeis, and Boston Universities. He has benefited from a number of teachers of traditional Islamic disciplines, in the US and abroad, and has ijazahs in Islamic theology ('aqidah), Islamic law (fiqh), hadith and other subjects. 

His publications include two articles on the Law of Jihad, published in The State We Are In, ed. Aftab Malik (Bristol: Amal Press, 2006), a collaborative volume published as a concerned Muslim response to terrorism.